Episode 23

Exploring Human Rituals

We’re excited to have trailblazing anthropologist, Dimitris Xygalatas, author of the highly acclaimed book Ritual: How Seemingly Senseless Acts Make Life Worth Living, tell us how his study of high-intensity rituals like coronations, firewalking, and terrifying rites of passage are just some examples of multiple universal expressions that link us together.

He describes how apparently pointless ceremonies pervade every documented society, from handshakes to hexes, fraternity and sorority hazings to parades, share an underlying logic central to our experience.  He helps you, our listeners, identify and appreciate the importance of the everyday ceremonies for understanding and guiding our lives. 

“Ritual is a primordial part of who we are. And it's as omnipresent today as it has always been.”

- Dr. Dimitris Xygalatas

Episode Transcription

Transcript coming soon!